One of the indicators of the health of the woman is characteristic of her sexual secretion. Allocation during sex is a complex process, designed by nature. What they should be the norm, and what is considered pathology is more detail in this article.

Characteristics of female secretions when excited
Almost all sexual partners during sex see the moisture of the vagina and increasing libido, it increases.
What stands out in women when excited?
In use, the secretion of which is during sex, is called lubrication. This liquid transparent mucus no smell and smooth consistency. The described substrate is composed of liquid and cellular components, which are the secretion of glands in the vaginal epithelium and the uterus, the white blood cells and various microorganisms.
How much mucus should be normal?
Usually female lubricants is allocated to 5 ml per day. The amount of fluid excitation increases significantly due to a rush of blood to the vaginal walls and stimulation of sexual glands. Selection when excited, the girls can be overly generous or, conversely, poor. Sometimes the large number of releases during orgasm.
What women need lube?
This secret performs many functions. With it, sex becomes more comfortable, ensures easy insertion and glide. Sticky composition allows minimizing the introduction of extraneous microorganisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.
During the fertile period women this fluid adapts the composition, creating a favorable environment for sperm, thus enabling conception.
White discharge during sex (as cream)
Often ladies notice themselves thick white discharge during sex and after it. Many describe it using the phrase "like cream".
Medical forums no one can really explain the nature of this secretion and many users suggest to visit the clinic and be tested. However, the experienced gynecologists claim that the white creamy discharge is not supposed to frighten the woman, if they have no odor, they are smooth and not accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning and pain during urination. This feature, according to experts, the inherent slime on certain days in the menstrual cycle.
The fact is that throughout the cycle the hormone levels are constantly changing, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances and determines the nature of female secretion. In addition to the vagina, the mucus produced by the uterus, so-called cervical fluid.
Its main function is aid in transporting sperm into the egg. Figuratively speaking, it is a repository of seeds, the environment which is favourable and allows to survive in the acidic vaginal flora.
Changes in secretion during sexual intercourse throughout the month?
Characteristics of vaginal mucus depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, which occurred sexual intimacy.
At the beginning of mucus is very small, it is transparent in color and quite watery. Its function at this stage is the barrier that it forms a channel (so-called cervical tube), which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus.
When approaching ovulation, the amount of estrogen increases, which affects the entire body, in particular on the reproductive system and the properties of vaginal mucus. Vaginal secretions becomes rich, thick, viscous, and alkaline. Has a distinct smell of egg whites, cream or white.
After ovulation the mucus is produced again in small quantities.
The character of vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can even tell at what stage of fertility is a woman, and perhaps of conception.
To calculate the most suitable for fertilization days, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual slime:
- With the meager discharge and dryness in the vagina conception is not possible (immediately after the critical days before them).
- Sticky and glutinous mucus, which quickly dries on the fingers, only the minimum could contribute to the survival of sperm.
- Creamy white discharge during sex without the odor will tell about the approach of ovulation and increasing the chances of getting pregnant.
- The ovulation period is characterized by the allocation of white viscous fluid that resembles egg whites. The highest probability of conception.
- Then the estrogen level is declining, making the system less able to save and carry male seed.
These allocations can be modified and the effect of other factors. Transferred stress and illness on the feet, hormonal imbalance, medications including hormones, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases and pathology can change description released during sex mucus.
Profuse discharge during sex
Allocated in a considerable quantity secret, as a rule, does not mean pathology. In addition, the volume of secretions will help to Orient in the probability of conception vaginal method. It involves the following steps: introduction of 2 fingers in the vagina (deep enough), the subsequent extraction and determination of the presence of the liquid.
Heavy flow during sex can talk about ovulation, and about the issues in an intimate environment, so this method works only in absence of pathologies and diseases.
Pathology and disease
Cause excessive secretion of grease at the girl when excited can be some irregularities.
Common disease, manifested in the excessive discharge, is bacterial vaginosis. During and after sex are observed abundant sticky mucus yellow, green or off-white color with the smell of fish. During sexual intercourse may appear discomfort like burning and itching.
The consistency of cheese, white in color and smell of yogurt will show on the Candidiasis also known as thrush.

Infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea is often explained by the significant leakage of foul-smelling liquid of different colors during intimacy.
The natural cause of heavy white discharge in women after intercourse
This secretion may be caused by the mixing of vaginal secretions and semen of men. Sometimes it has a yellowish tint and protein smell similar to a chicken egg. Usually discomfort this mucus carries. Genital secretion is rich enough and tells about the completion of intercourse ejaculation into the vagina.
Often the cause of strong female secretions when excited by white color becomes hypersensitivity. In this case, cannot be attributed to a symptom of pathology, but rather, this phenomenon is psychological and emotional in nature.
Meager discharge during sex
Sometimes no lubrication at all, which is a consequence of problems. May have failed the acid-alkaline balance or disturbed intestinal microflora. The most common cause of hormonal failure, that is why vaginal dryness is often manifested in menopause.
Reviews of women and the opinion of experts
Olga, 37 years: "During the excitement in me is so strong discharge, which is linen remain even spots. And this has no changes over the menstrual cycle. Except that, in the middle they become whiter and stickier. DAB handed on the analysis of infections I have none".
Victor S., gynaecologist: "women of reproductive age allocation during sex natural and even mandatory. They talk about a rush of blood to the genitals, mucous glands which produce a secret, called sexual lubricant. If the local microflora is sensitive, the isolation, especially at the peak of excitement will be abundant and watery no matter what type of generated selection. Such a symptom can be reduce by means of preparations of local action. It is important not to self-medicate in order not to overdry the mucous membranes.
Here we can talk about the emotional state of women, and about the increased level of hormones estrogen. Therefore, if such allocation during sexual intercourse cause discomfort, consult a specialist to determine their etymology".
Quick facts
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that lubrication during sex due to the work glands, genitals. First, it is the result of a rush of blood to the vaginal walls and stimulation of the mucous glands. Secondly, the uterus, the nature of which varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle.
White discharge in women during the act of intimacy or after the exclusion of abnormalities may indicate the approach of ovulation, when conception is most likely. It's important to pay attention to the nature of this secretion and to consider possible changes in its properties at different periods. If vaginal mucus cause you discomfort, consult the doctor to determine and eliminate the cause. And be healthy!